Workplace wellbeing - what will help your employees thrive?

Workplace wellbeing - what will help your employees thrive?The fanzine NO 1

Wellbeing & Work


Companies are one after the other starting to realize the importance of employee wellbeing and are becoming ready to take the next step from talking to action. We absolutely agree with Sir. Richard Branson:

"When you care for your people, you have people who care for your company".

Amidst of all the information available, what exactly are the next steps? On behalf of Conscious Initiative, our founder Dr. Helena Lass has issued a straightforward one-page guide to ensure that you can easily grasp the big picture and have the most essential topics covered. Print or download your complimentary copy from here:

Entrepreneur's guide to employee wellbeing.

Our selection of hot discussions in the workplace wellbeing world:

  1. Global Wellness Institute Roundtable - report on how workplace wellness must evolve;
  2. Harvard Business Review - how long hours backfire for people and companies;
  3. The Washington Post - the average worker loses 11 days of productivity each year due to insomnia and companies are taking notice;
  4. GWI Insight: workplace wellness must ramp up the focus on mental health;
  5. In Estonian: Pindi real estate company takes action on employee intra-personal wellbeing;
  6. In Estonian: An article about why the whole arena of mental health needs re-focusing. Why we need mental wellness for ordinary healthy people.

News from us

We are almost ready to announce the 2016 Conscious Initiative Conference here in Tallinn, Estonia! Since the 2015 event was 100% sold out, we'll make sure to give priority notice to our fan(maga)zine readers (you can register in the footer of our homepage. We're here to change for good the way wellbeing & intra-personal skills are talked about.